Saturday, July 19, 2008

Welcome to our house again. I will try to catch you all up. And then I have to be going. I have decided to make changes in my life, but more on that later. Here is mom teaching Sunshine how to walk. I was worried she wasn't going to be able to find the time to do so, but she did.
One day while we were all at school, all but Sunshine that is, she was still only a baby. Mom met a new guy. He didn't stick around long, begining to thing, no man ever does. He seemed nice, for the short time we talked. Todd sent him home shortly before we all headed to bed, mom was a big sad, after all she had asked him to spend the night. Todd didn't much care for that, so him being the man of the house, he sent him packing.
I heard mom getting sick, later that night, and thought oh no here we go again. I sure hope I am not a fertile Mytle like my mom is...
Mom admiring the flowers Dante left, I don't even know his last name, why get to know these men, when they don't stay around long enough to care about.
Sunshine grew up well, she got all the skills she needed. Mom was happy, as was I, I don't know what happens to kids who are not taught how to walk, talk or go to the potty... I don't think I want to know.
While we were all at school, mom gave birth to Danti, a third girl, I was hoping for a brother, since I already have a sister, and a brother, thought it would be neat to have 2 boys and 2 girls... didn't get my wish.
Here is mom, getting a hug from Sunshine, after she got home, she did get a raise. So glad we are not doing well financially, still barely making a living. Now that she got the raise and the bonus, we were able to add some room to the second bedroom, we have room now for 3 beds. Weird to share a bedroom with my one sister and my one brother. But its the best we can do.
I had this fight with a boy, and he got real mad, now he comes by often and kicks over our trash can, well we were all busy and didn't notice it was knocked over and we got bugs, bad thing is, me, Todd and Sunshine got the flue, but we got better. Of course we had to pay for an exterminator. As if we could afford it...
So, this is where I have come to the end of my story, I have decided to go to University. It was a hard decision and I waited till the last possible day. I hated to leave mom, my money helped some, but you know I want a better life then mom and I know if she could have gone to University we wouldn't have had such a hard life. I only got three scholarships, but that's okay, its better then none.
So now the story will have to be told by Todd. Maybe I will come back at the end to say good bye.
Hi, I am Todd. My sister has just left in the taxi, I was able to run out and say goodbye, I sure will miss her. She told me to take over the story telling. I guess you know who I am, and all about us. so look forward to getting to know you all better.
This ends this week, here we are getting in some dancing, sure am glad mom allowed me to keep this stereo. I still want to get a table for it, but maybe next week. But it works just fine on the floor, keeps me from getting bored, and the bonus is, you can get a scholarship for dancing.. so maybe with my okay marks and when I can get a job, I can at least get the same amount of scholarships when it becomes time to head off for University myself.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Boy, these guys are still struggling! I don't blame them for wishing their mom would lay off the guys--or at least take precautions! geez!